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Open Board Meeting October 23

The NBL Board will be hosting its annual open board meeting on Wednesday, October 23 at 7:00 p.m. in the high school's old cafeteria. If you'd like to share your thoughts on a specific topic or ideas you have for the league, we look forward to hearing from you. Alternatively, you may submit your feedback to our email

Also, the Board has openings for the upcoming season and welcomes new members. If you are interested in joining us, please take the time to complete this brief survey.

As a volunteer organization its important to add new people and their ideas to keep the league moving forward. We hope to hear from you!

LLS Light the Night Walk on Saturday, 10/19/24

As you know, Jack Salinetti is the 2024 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s "Honored Hero" at the Light the Night Walk, which will be held on Saturday, October 19 at Siena College at 5:30 p.m.

Jack will have an Honored Hero tent with his family and friends and will be on stage during the ceremony in front of 2500 people! It’s a very emotional and encouraging way for the community to celebrate, honor, and remember those who are touched by blood cancer. This year is special - not only are we honoring Jack, but we are also honoring another Niskayuna graduate, Vince Speenburgh, who is our adult Honored Hero, who currently resides in the Burnt Hills area but is originally from Niskayuna.

We would like to extend an invite to all Niskayuna Youth Sports to join Jack (and Vince) at their team tents and walk with them! Jack, Vince, and their families will be leading the way, and we are asking all Niskayuna Youth Athletes, especially the cheerleaders, to stand at the starting line to line up and cheer on all of our walkers.

This is a family friendly event. We will have food truck, a beer truck, a kids zone with basketball hoops, rock wall and other activities. We open the activities for the night at 5:30 p.m. The ceremony will begin at 6:45 p.m. and the walk itself will conclude by 7:30 p.m. (the start line will form roughly at 7 p.m.). 

Here is Jack’s fundraising page if you want to register to walk (you are not obligated to register, but registration is free, and you and your family will get a lantern to light up!)

If anyone is interested in fundraising for a t-shirt, the fundraising minimum to earn a t-shirt is $100 and I am happy to answer any questions for anyone interested.

Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions, it would be awesome to have a huge group of Nisky support!


FRANCESCA PARDI | Campaign Development Director
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society – Connecticut – Albany – Eastern NY
315.525.8330 |

Please send any correspondence and donations to:
Connecticut–Hudson Valley – LLS Northeast Connecticut-Hudson Valley

PO Box 22470, New York, NY 10087

Market 32 Niskayuna Grand Opening!

Six months after the Shop Rite location on Nott Street in Niskayuna closed its doors, Market 32 is set to open at the same site on Friday, June 14. This is one of four stores that will be opening this day at 8 a.m. with ribbon cutting ceremonies scheduled for 9:30 a.m. at each location.

The Niskayuna location will host a "Home Run Celebration" from 3-5 p.m. on June 14 featuring free food, drinks, and live music. On June 14-15, shoppers at all four new locations will receive 5% savings off their grocery purchases, with Price Chopper to donate 5% of sales to from the respective locations to the Regional Food Bank of Northeastern NY.

Proceeds from the first two days of sales from the Niskayuna location will benefit the Niskayuna Baseball League. Along with this generous donation, we have an opportunity to table and hand out information with Niskayuna Baseball League on Sunday, June 16.

We have most time slots covered, but are looking for a couple of coaches/parents/players that could help out during the 11-1 time slot on Sunday. You will be at a table, and we will provide handouts. If you can lend a hand, please reach out to Pete McHenry, our VP of Sponsorships at

Jack the Warrior

April 2024 update: On March 20, Jack hit day +100 post-stem cell transplant - and in the stem cell transplant world, this is a very significant day. Since his progress continues to be positive, Jack has been cleared to play baseball! Most kids do not go back to playing sports for a year post transplant, but his doctors recognize the importance of sports for Jack, and based on how he is doing and his blood counts, they have given him the green light. We are so excited to see Jack back on the field this spring!


Fall 2023: Our heart breaks to share the difficult news that Jack Salinetti, a member of our 10U Travel Baseball team, recently relapsed and is battling AML leukemia for a second time. Jack is already back at Boston Children's Hospital and has started treatment. While he has another tough road ahead, we know "Jack the Warrior" will kick cancer's butt again!

Many have asked, how can we help? There are currently a couple of different fundraising initiatives that benefit the family directly.

Below is a link to the GoFundMe Me page, which also shares updates that his parents, Laura and Joe, provide.

Jack, a 4th grader at Birchwood Elementary, plays a variety of sports in Niskayuna including tackle football, lacrosse, and baseball.

Please keep Jack, his sister Emma, and his parents Joe and Laura in your thoughts while they navigate through AML Leukemia a second time.

12U Competes at the Ripken Experience in Aberdeen, MD

The Niskayuna 12U team competed at the Ripken Experience in Aberdeen, MD earlier this month. It was a special trip, as this is the last time they played together as a full team since forming at the 8U level. To say it was a memorable trip would be an understatement, as it was chocked full of individual and group memories. 

This was the largest tournament they have competed (18 teams), and competition was the strongest they have ever seen. The boys performed well under pressure, particularly in bracket play winning their last two games to keep advancing. 

It was a full trip, including Orioles and Ironbird games, a visit to inner harbor, whiffle ball, and pool time! We hope that future Nisky teams will venture to MD to enjoy the Experience. 

2023 Rec Season Champions

  • Double A
  • Triple A
  • Majors

Closing Ceremony Highlights

Thank you to everyone who came out for our closing ceremonies - it was so fun to recognize all of our players, coaches, families, and sponsors! Check out the photos from the event below.  It was a great season - see you all next year!

2023 Recreation Season Photos

Majors Division Skills Competition

Thank you to everyone who came out to watch the Majors Division skills competition! 

Here are the winners for 2023:

Around the Horn - Thunder: Bryce Creighton, Tyler Parisi, Liam Dieckman, Jude Beck, Joey Samaniuk, Andrew Parisi

Base Running Relay Race - Generals: Jake Lastarza, Ethan Stanco, Lucas Connolly, Aiden Poteski

Outfielder Accuracy- Lucas Connolly

Home Run Derby - Markus Ahrens

A BIG thank you to Tim Ahrens, the Niskayuna varsity team players, and the rest of the coaches who made this evening possible. We hope to see everyone again next year!

2023 Hardship Fund Donors

Thank you to all of the families who have generously donated to support the NBL Hardship Scholarship Fund:

  • Nicholas Antenucci
  • Ashley Breslin
  • Timothy Eager
  • Jamie Hogenkamp
  • Laura Jahnel
  • Cori Miller
  • Andrew Minnick
  • Mike Pandolfini
  • Leslie Parikh
  • Dana Renzi
  • Joe Salinetti
  • Travis Santa Barbera
  • Danielle York
  • Several anonymous donors

The Hardship Scholarship Fund is used to offset up to 100% of player registrations due to financial need, or the additional cost associated with multi-sibling sign ups. The Board reviews scholarship requests and votes to allocate from the fund. You may donate to the fund while completing your registration for the upcoming season, or by contacting NBL

For information on how to apply for hardship scholarship funds, please visit our Registration Page